BusBench LA WLB Polish, Angielski

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//-->Advanced wordlist: English to PolishPageNo.EnglishPart ofDefinitionSpeechPolish101010101010UNIT 1autocraticbonusby the bookdress codegoalmentoradjnadvnnndemanding absolute obedience from other peopleextra amount of money that is given to you as a present or rewardin addition to the money you were expectingformally, or according to the rulesset of rules for what you can wearaim or purposeperson who gives another person help and advice over a period oftime and often also teaches them how to do their jobability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. coulddevelop in the future and to plan in a suitable wayInternet companyresponsible to the governmentstruggle of individuals in a competitive environmentpaperworkmake more efficientgroup of people who are responsible for controlling and organisinga company or organisationfinal line in the accounts of a company or organisation, whichstates the total profit or loss that has been madeno longer employ someone because there is not enough workautokratycznypremia, dodatektrzymając sięściśleprzepisówzasady ubioru, wymagania dotyczące strojucelmentor1011111111111212121212visiondotcompublicly accountablerat racered tapestreamlineboardbottom linemake redundantmarket sharemonitornnadjnnvnnvnvwizjafirma internetowaodpowiedzialny przed władzami publicznymiwyścig szczurówbiurokracja, robota papierkowausprawnićzarządkońcowy wynikzwolnić (ze względu na słabą koniunkturę)percentage of all the sales within a market that are held by oneudział w rynkubrand or companywatch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to monitorować, obserwowaćdiscover something about it1212121414141415151515151515151515151717171717171717returnrevenueshareholderUNIT 2delegateget down to workhands-on approachtrouble-shooting skillsbrand builderbrand imageempirefeedbackfireincompetentranks (within the ranks)ratestakeventureworkloadadministerassessbrand managementcrisis managementline managementmiddle managementperformance payquality managementnnnvvnnnnnnvadjpl nnnnnvvnnnnnnamount of profit on an investmentmoney earned from salesperson who owns shares in a companygive a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that theydo it for youstart to direct your efforts and attention towards workway of doing things which is practical, not theoreticalability to remove or solve difficultiesdeveloper of a product’s imageimpression of a product in the minds of potential customersvery large and important business organisationremarks passed back to the person responsible, so that changescan be made if necessarydismissshowing lack of ability or skill to do something successfullythe membership of a group or organisationzwrot, zyskprzychódakcjonariuszdelegować, zlecać, przekazać (komuś część swojej pracy /obowiązków)zabrać się do pracypraktyczne podejścieumiejętność rozwiązywania problemówzarządzający marką, twórca markiwizerunek markiimperiumopinie, informacja zwrotnawyrzucić, wylać (z pracy)niekompetentnyszeregi; członkowie (np. grupy, organizacji; pracownicy (wśródpracowników)level of paymentstawkashare or financial involvement in a businessudziałnew activity, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty przedsięwzięcieobciążenie (pracą), obowiązkizarządzaćoceniaćzarządzanie markązarządzanie kryzysowe, zarządzanie kryzysembezpośredni przełożeni, kadra kierownicza niższego szczeblakadra kierowniczaśredniegoszczeblawynagrodzenie uzależnione od wynikówzarządzanie jakościąamount of work to be done, especially by a particular person ormachine in a period of timemanage or governjudge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance ofsomethinghow a company manages its brands and brand imageprocess of dealing with difficult situationsdirect management of stafflevel between senior management and junior managementsalary that increases when your work improves or becomes moreproductivemanaging systems in a company so that each department workseffectively and produces products or services of the requiredstandard1717181818181818191919191920risk managementtime managementUNIT 3budgetin-house magazinememoone-to-one interviewtargettimekeepingitemqueryrotaupdatewithin budgetinputnnnnnnnnnnnvadvnprocess of assessing and measuring possible dangers andevolving strategies to deal with themskill of administering your time so as to work effectivelyplan to show how much money an organisation will earn and howmuch they will need or be able to spendpublication which is written and produced within an organisation byits employeesmessage or other information in writing sent by one person ordepartment to another in the same business organisationmeeting between just two peoplelevel or situation which you intend to achieveability to arrive at a place at the time expectedone of several subjects to be consideredquestionlist of things that have to be done and of the people who will dothemgive someone the most recent informationnot exceeding the amount of money you have available to spendzarządzanie ryzykiemzarządzanie czasembudżetgazeta zakładowa, biuletyn wewnętrznymemo, notatka (służbowa)rozmowa jeden na jedencelpunktualność, przychodzenie na czaspunkt, pozycjapytaniegrafik (pracy, zadań), harmonogrampodawać / przekazywać najnowsze informacjemieszczący się w budżeciesomething, such as advice, information or effort, that is provided in wkładorder to help something succeed or developT522222323232323overworkedadjUNIT 4agendanissue (contentious issue) nallotdealingsoverviewprocedureproceedingsvpl nvnpl nhaving to work too muchlist of matters to be discussed at a meetingsubject or problem which people are thinking and talking aboutgive (especially a share of something available) for a particularpurposeactivities involving other people, especially in businessshort description of something which provides general informationabout it, but no detailsset of actions which is the official or accepted way of doingsomethingseries of events that happen in a planned and controlled wayprzepracowanyagenda, porządek spotkaniakwestia (kwestia sporna)przeznaczyćstosunki, kontakty, interesyogólny zarysproceduraobrady, przebieg spotkania, przebieg wydarzeń23232424242525252525252525T6T18summonundertakingattendeegross profitincentiveinternal candidateinterview paneloutcomeproductivepsychometric testreport backrun over timevacancyscheduleshrewdUNIT 5shipcall-centre operativevnnnnnnnadjnvvnvadjofficially arrange a meeting of peopleformal promisesomeone who goes to a place, event, etc.company’s profit before certain costs and taxes are deductedsomething which encourages a person to do something (e.g. abonus for outstanding work)person seeking a position who already holds another job within theorganisationgroup of people who ask candidates questions to see if they aresuitable for a jobresultusefulexam to measure scientifically a person’s mental capacities andpersonalitybring information to someone in authoritytake longer than scheduledjob that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone newto doarrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular timezwołaćzobowiązanieuczestnikzysk bruttododatek motywacyjny, bodziec, zachętakandydat wewnętrznykomisja kwalifikacyjnawynikowocny, produktywnytest psychometrycznyzdać raportprzekroczyć (zaplanowany) czaswakat, wolny etatzaplanować (w harmonogramie)based on a clear understanding and good judgement of a situation trafny, mądry, przenikliwy2829vnsend goods by any form of transport to a distant placeperson who works in an office where large numbers of telephonecalls, especially from customers, are handled for an organisationprotection and service provided to customersemployees with direct contact with customersthe practice of a company paying to have part of its work done byanother companysomething valuable belonging to a person or organisation whichcan be used for the payment of debtssuggestion that customers buy additional or related accessories orproducts during or just after their primary purchasewysłaćpracownik centrum telefonicznego2929293131customer carefrontline staffoutsourcingassetscross-sellingnnnnnobsługa klientapersonel obsługujący klientówoutsourcingskładniki majątku, majątek, aktywasprzedaż krzyżowa313131T1132323232323233333333333334343434T12T12T13T13T1336profit marginprofitabilityundervalueenhanceUNIT 6bidbrand identifyitemiseproven track recordspecificationvalue for moneyallocatebenchmarkcritical pathkey stagemap (critical paths)trade pressbid forestimateteam up withwork outprocurementtenderentrantfeego out of businessUNIT 7deadlinennvvvnvnnnvvnnvnvvvvnnnnvnprofit that can be made in a business or sale after costs have beensubtractedcapacity to make a profitconsider someone or something as less valuable or important thanthey really areimprove the quality, amount or strength of somethingcompete against other firms by offering to do a job or contract for acertain amount of moneysee brand imagelist things separatelyall the successful achievements that someone or something hashad in the pastdetailed description of how something should be done, made, etc.something well worth the money spentgive something to someone as their share of a total amount, forthem to use in a particular waymeasure the quality of something by comparing it with somethingelse of an accepted standardsequence of stages determining the minimum time needed for theexecution of an entire projectimportant time period in a sequence of eventsmake a plan in detailmagazine published for and read by members of a particular tradegroupoffer to do some work for a particular priceguess the cost, size, value, etc. of somethingwork together withcalculatethe obtaining of suppliesformal written offer to do a job for an agreed priceperson who takes part in a competition or an examinationamount of money paid for a particular piece of workno longer able to operate as a businesstime or day by which something must be donemarża zyskudochodowość, rentownośćzbyt nisko wyceniać, nie doszacowaćwzmacniać, poprawiaćstawać do przetargu, składać ofertęwizerunek markiwyszczególnićdoświadczenie, historia zawodowaspecyfikacjadobry stosunek wartości do cenyprzydzielić, przeznaczyćprzeprowadzić test porównawczy (w stosunku do wzorca)ścieżkakrytycznakluczowy etapwyznaczać (ścieżki krytyczne)magazyn branżowyzłożyć ofertęszacowaćstworzyć zespół zwyliczyć, obliczyćnabywanie, zaopatrzenieoferta przetargowauczestnik (konkursu), osoba zdająca egzamin, kandydatwynagrodzenie, honorarium, opłatazbankrutowaćtermin wykonania pracy lub zadania [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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